March – in Like a Lion, out Like a Lamb?

March 8, 2023 Uncategorized

It’s good to be back to normal! We went through some tech changes and have not been able to update or manage the site for a few months. My tech support has us up and running and all’s well! Phew!

I am busy in the studio – silversmithing mostly. I’ve had the urge to work some stone – so I see a week or two of lapidary work coming up as well. I acquired a new (to me) trim saw last November that I’ve not used yet….

We are expecting more rain here on the Central Coast of California – feast or famine. It’s been a cold and wet winter for us. We are thankful for the new roof we put on last spring! We’ve been gone to St. Croix (November – February) and just recently returned. We missed the weeks long BIG storms we had here – other’s in town did suffer. Yet this amazing community – this small town at the end of the road (the road ending at the Pacific Ocean) were amazing at banding together, shoveling mud and muck, donating – time and music and things to raise money to help these neighbors out.

Stay warm. Winter’s not done with us yet!