Happy 2021!

January 3, 2021 Uncategorized

We spent the 1st Sunday this year fossil hunting. We have a long lease on a tiny bit of fossiliferous land in Oildale (Bakersfield). We go over from time to time – when the weather is not too hot or too cold or too wet…. Sometimes we haul the camper and make a few days of it, sometimes we stay overnight at the Padre. It’s not that I find fossils to be my passion (it is my husbands) – but rather a purpose to be outdoors in remote areas, just ‘being’. And I do like to find fossils. 🙂

Bakersfield has a few Basque restaurants and it’s always a treat to visit when we are staying the night. If you passing through look up Wool Growers or Benji’s.

It struck me – on the drive home yesterday – looking at the absolute barrenness of the oil derrick filled landscape – that the very air today is full of virus. (I know in reality the COVID 19 virus is short lived in the air). People in Oildale CA are just as susceptible to this as people in New York City as people are in Paris France or people in Alnif Morocco… How much we are all the same and how our individual actions – in all ways – affects everyone on this planet… Deep thoughts – but it’s a long quiet drive.

Be safe this 3rd day of 2021. Be well. Live well and love lots.